Saturday, October 17, 2009

Apron-Wearing WIFD Day 6

Not very pretty, I know,'s made with love and one I treasure! :)

This was my very first apron, made from the Daisy Kingdom pattern. I did not make this apron, it was made for me, by my wonderful daughter, when she was 9 years old, so that's 12 years ago. I wore and wore this apron, until it got worn right out. I then started using it as my garden apron, but once again, I took it back form that duty, because I love it so much. I decided to repair it, like I did my other aprons that have the same worn spot in the belly area. Now, I will continue to use it, but more sparingly. I want to keep this one, until the day I die. ;) I asked Merissa if she remembers making the bias tape and she said she remembers the frustration with it and hasn't made any since. I guess it's time to give her a sewing project with just a wee bit of bias tape needed, so she gets the hang of working with it, and not be intimidated by it.

Olivia is waring an apron, made from the same sturdy cotton, made by her wonderful sister. Only her apron was made about 5 years ago, when Olivia was only 2.5 years old. I decided that we could get a little be more wear out of it, so I lengthened the straps and I am contemplating adding a ruffle to add length. Olivia and I were happy to be wearing aprons that 'match'. :)

Here is Olivia, then and now! :) My how she has changed and that apron....well, it's a wee bit shorter, but still serviceable. ;)

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