Today we are having another snow day, so I have eager hands to go outside and shovel the lovely white stuff. :)
Olivia and I are wearing fun aprons. My apron is from a very dear sewing friend, who drew up the pattern and made me this lovely, lovely apron. It is made out of a linen/rayon blend with some beautiful antique lace and ribbon. Then, to top it off, she sent me the pattern, too. How blessed am I? I am incredibly blessed and every time I put this apron on, I think of this wonderful friend and pray for her. The joys of having gifts, made by dear friends, nothing compares to that.
I do not wear half aprons, very often, but this one I really, really like. The lovely flounce gives this apron a really fun and feminine feel to it. I definitely don't like getting this apron dirty, so I can't be doing too much work in it. Since my plan is to do a bit of sewing, this is a perfect apron for that.
Olivia is wearing her "Valentine's Day" apron that I made her over 2.5 years ago. My how she has grown. I use to be able to use this apron as a summer dress, but I can't any more. She still pulls this one out of the closet, a lot, when it comes time to cooking. Here are a few pictures of when she first started wearing the apron, to now. Hasn't she grown? The pattern I used is a vintage McCall's pattern number 1921. I have found this pattern in sizes from 2 to 12 and I plan to make many more for her, over the years, Lord willing. :)
I decided to add a picture of big brother Stephen as he wanted to give his little sister a big hug and she adores the attention. Stephen wears aprons, every day he goes to work, but at home, he rarely wears one.
If you look behind us in the picture, you can see my sewing machine on the table and a few piles of fabric, needing some attention. ;)
Now......time to do some sewing, I hope. :)
I just love aprons that have history behind them as yours from your friend has.
Oliva sure has grown, I love her apron. I have that pattern as well and need to sew it for Lydia, hers are all getting small as well!
I love your aprons!! Your little one is so adorable! I found your blog from the S&S board.
I hope you make up the pattern. When you do, please let me know, I would love to see it. I bet Miss Lydia would enjoy it, especially if you can do double duty and have it as a sun dress, too. ;)
Thank you for stopping by and for the lovely comment. Glad to hear you found me through the S&S site, it's such a nice place to play. :)
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